Londone Callin'
londone callin me
and my guitar across the sea
and i wonder if i should go there
would u wonder bout me
and my guitar across the sea
my love, my love, would u dare?
cause yre a part of me
when u r apart from me
im miserable in my despair
londone callin me
and my guitar across the sea
and i wonder if i should go there
how i think of u
the christmas lights that light yr room
the tv, the man who lives below --
the bridge i cross at night
the photograph in black and white
and the rose u left so i knows
that u r a part of me
when u r apart from me
im miserable in my despair
londone callin me
and my guitar across the sea
and i wonder if i should go there
now u r the world to me
so if i should leave u be
id be leavin my whole world behind
and if i travel
it's only to unravel
the loneliest map that is my mind
cause u r a part of me
when u r apart from me
im miserable in my despair
londone keeps callin me
and my guitar across the sea . . .
i wonder if i should go there